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How Can the Taxpayer Advocate Service Help You?

Dealing with the IRS can be a complex and daunting task, but fortunately, there is a valuable resource available to assist you: the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). Whether you're facing lengthy delays in receiving your tax refund, encountering challenges in reaching IRS representatives, or receiving frustrating bureaucratic responses, it's important to know that you're not alone. TAS is an independent agency within the IRS that is dedicated to supporting taxpayers like you.

Understanding the Taxpayer Advocate Service

Established in the 1970s, the Taxpayer Advocate Service acts as a champion for taxpayers, ensuring fair treatment by the IRS. Unlike the layers of bureaucracy within the IRS, TAS reports directly to the IRS Commissioner. Its primary purpose is to aid taxpayers who are experiencing economic harm and are unable to find resolution through regular IRS channels.

Resources Provided by the Taxpayer Advocate Service

The TAS website offers a wealth of resources and tools to address your tax-related queries. It provides dedicated pages that cover common taxpayer issues, including filing tax returns, obtaining refunds, making tax payments, interacting with the IRS, and general tax inquiries. TAS also extends assistance to low-income taxpayers, offering free tax preparation services and support in resolving tax disputes with the IRS. However, TAS plays a crucial role in helping taxpayers facing more complex challenges, such as systemwide issues, financial hardships, and instances of unfair treatment.

Challenges with the IRS System

Occasionally, the IRS system encounters breakdowns or fails to function as intended. In such cases, TAS can intervene when you have experienced the following:
  • Delays of over 30 days in resolving tax account problems with the IRS.

  • Failure by the IRS to provide a timely response or solution as promised.

  • Inoperable systems within the IRS that prevent you from resolving a problem or dispute.

Taxpayer Financial Hardship

If you are undergoing financial hardship due to actions or inactions by the IRS, TAS can provide assistance when:

  • You have suffered or are at risk of economic harm.

  • You face immediate adverse actions by the IRS.

  • You would incur significant costs, including professional representation expenses, if the IRS does not grant relief.

  • You are confronted with irreparable injury or long-term adverse consequences without any available relief.

Unfair Treatment by the IRS

TAS is also prepared to help address instances of unfair treatment by the IRS, particularly when there are concerns about equity, fairness, and adverse economic impact resulting from the administration of tax laws.

Engaging a Seasoned Tax Professional for Assistance

If you are grappling with tax-related challenges, encountering difficulties in obtaining the necessary help, or experiencing unfair treatment from the IRS, it is advisable to seek the assistance of an experienced tax professional. Contact Assertive Tax Solutions to explore how we can support you in navigating these issues effectively.


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